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Runescape Forum.

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Pure Talk! :D
So talk what u think pures
why should not to def and be low cb
1 0 Wednesday, 2008-10-29, 14:23:48
Thread: So talk what u think about p...
Posted by: pures
Range pures look here!
why should be range pure, talk
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 15:21:27
Thread: Yeh rangers talk? own at wild?
Posted by: pures
Stre att purs look, here!
talk why to att stre maybe range aswell?
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 15:24:18
Thread: Stre att purs
Posted by: pures
Tanker pures look!, rune pures!
why deff? taker? good to be tanker? rune pures why to def 40 ? like it? still u pure :D
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 15:25:09
Thread: wtf DEF??
Posted by: pures
Clans at runesape?
talk here about your cc?
1 2 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 19:46:10
Thread: u have big clan at runescape...
Posted by: kermo112

Talk about runescape!
New runescape update (wild) like it?
talk bout new wild at runecape
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 22:24:21
Thread: Like that new update of rune...
Posted by: pures
Like that update of graphic ? that bigger helm ? and stuff?
talk here about it
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 22:25:25
Thread: Like that update of graphic ...
Posted by: pures
talk about runescape here (is being viewed by: 1)
talk here what u think about runescape
1 0 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 12:22:53
Thread: Talk enything about runescape
Posted by: pures

Runescape normal players not pures
Cb lvl's? Who will be the highest ?
tak about u r lvls cb's
1 1 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 19:48:14
Thread: Cb lvl's? Who will be th...
Posted by: kermo112
talk about who wana to war?
1 0 Friday, 2008-10-31, 22:27:59
Thread: WAR? Coming?
Posted by: pures

Eny help u need talk here!
u need help stuck on runescape with quest,skills,so it is just help everything what is about runescape
1 0 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 12:23:43
Thread: Need help talk here
Posted by: pures
sell/buy (accounts) (is being viewed by: 1)
here u can post u r acc what u want to sell or buy
1 0 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 12:24:40
Thread: Wana sell u r acc? / or wana...
Posted by: pures

Talk here about everything!!!
here talk about everything
talk here what u want! :D
1 0 Saturday, 2008-11-01, 17:17:31
Thread: Talk here about everything :...
Posted by: pures
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Total of 13 threads created, which have 3 replies.
38 members registered. Greetings to our new member xURBANRIVALx.